Vanuatu Radar

Vanuatu Radar

start end Name Date Current weather conditions Current weather conditions/Clear Current weather conditions/Partly Cloudy Current weather conditions/Overcast Current weather conditions/Rainy Current weather conditions/Windy Current weather conditions/Others Location of the site. _Location of the site._latitude _Location of the site._longitude _Location of the site._altitude _Location of the site._precision Province/Island Photograph Photograph_URL Total Area of the radar site. Take a photo of the view towards the north from the proposed site. Take a photo of the view towards the north from the proposed site._URL Distance to the nearest major road. What power source options are available at the proposed site? What power source options are available at the proposed site?/Solar power What power source options are available at the proposed site?/Grid electricity What power source options are available at the proposed site?/Wind power What power source options are available at the proposed site?/Generator What power source options are available at the proposed site?/Other Take a photo of the nearest power infrastructure (if visible). Take a photo of the nearest power infrastructure (if visible)._URL What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site? What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Agricultural What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Residential What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Industrial What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Forest/Natural What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Mixed What is the primary land use in the immediate vicinity (within 5km) of the proposed site?/Other Measure the area of the largest open space within the site. Are there any airports within 50km of the proposed site? Are there any airports within 50km of the proposed site?/Yes Are there any airports within 50km of the proposed site?/No Are there telecommunications infrastructure near the site? Are there telecommunications infrastructure near the site?/Yes Are there telecommunications infrastructure near the site?/No What is the estimated population within the radar's coverage area? What is the estimated population within the radar's coverage area?/Less than 1000 What is the estimated population within the radar's coverage area?/1,000 - 5,000 What is the estimated population within the radar's coverage area?/5,000 - 10,000 What is the estimated population within the radar's coverage area?/More than 10,000 Are there communities nearby the radar site? Are there communities nearby the radar site?/Yes Are there communities nearby the radar site?/No Are there any local institutions (universities, research centers) that could collaborate on the radar project? Are there any local institutions (universities, research centers) that could collaborate on the radar project?/Yes Are there any local institutions (universities, research centers) that could collaborate on the radar project?/No Rate the overall suitability of this site. Rate the overall suitability of this site./Excellent Rate the overall suitability of this site./Good Rate the overall suitability of this site./Fair Rate the overall suitability of this site./Poor _id _uuid _submission_time _validation_status _notes _status _submitted_by __version__ _tags _index
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Ceceilia Louis 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6453958 168.2322167 353.4 4.833 -17.6453958 168.2322167 353.4 4.833 Shefa/Efate island 1719373979196.jpg 920m 1719374260269.png 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374294138.png Mixed 0 0 0 0 1 0 -17.64478372401217 168.2313482835889 0.0 0.0; -17.64648091456432 168.2314471900463 0.0 0.0; -17.64634257112888 168.2335114851594 0.0 0.0; -17.644771263404934 168.23295760899782 0.0 0.0; -17.64478372401217 168.2313482835889 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Good 0 1 0 0 352818922 0dc06982-d82f-4b0e-934a-6b73a8c4141a 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web ceceilialouis vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 1
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Vani 2024-06-26 Rainy Overcast Partly Cloudy 0 1 1 1 0 0 -17.6455019 168.2322324 344.308349609375 3.9 -17.6455019 168.2322324 344.3083496 3.9 Shefa 1719373823290.jpg 920 1719373955864.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374046026.jpg Forest/Natural Agricultural Residential Mixed 1 1 0 1 1 0 -17.646057896427433 168.23255192488432 0.0 0.0;-17.64510258746316 168.23287580162287 0.0 0.0;-17.644813437764416 168.2320248708129 0.0 0.0;-17.645779291794657 168.23168624192476 0.0 0.0;-17.646358865626794 168.23163460940123 0.0 0.0;-17.64644640859038 168.23249358683825 0.0 0.0;-17.646057896427433 168.23255192488432 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Good 0 1 0 0 352818929 8dc498e9-d149-435d-900f-54480f242fd2 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web vani vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 2
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Catherine Lessa 2024-06-26 Overcast Rainy 0 0 1 1 0 0 -17.6456319 168.2321716 346.3 4.96 -17.6456319 168.2321716 346.3 4.96 Shefa 1719373835147.jpg 920 m2 1719374015723.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374073968.jpg Mixed 0 0 0 0 1 0 -17.6451267 168.2323333 0.0 0.0;-17.644867114207667 168.23244262486696 0.0 0.0;-17.644769346388358 168.23219921439886 0.0 0.0;-17.645042840546875 168.23207147419453 0.0 0.0;-17.6451267 168.2323333 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Fair 0 0 1 0 352819633 20bcf526-0e3b-488f-8497-4a895c9670af 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web lessa_catherine vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 3
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Ellen Luke 2024-06-26 Overcast Windy Rainy 0 0 1 1 1 0 -17.645506 168.2321815 341.7452392578125 4.982 -17.645506 168.2321815 341.7452393 4.982 Shefa Province 1719373847681.jpg 920 1719374067634.jpg 100 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374948525.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural Mixed 1 1 0 1 1 0 -17.6452621 168.2322714 0.0 0.0;-17.6452719 168.2322858 0.0 0.0;-17.6454466 168.2322536 0.0 0.0;-17.6454835 168.2322672 0.0 0.0;-17.6452621 168.2322714 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352820135 079e9c65-081c-4c3d-a339-6736ab819381 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web eluke vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 4
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Ceceilia 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6454013 168.2322803 355.9 4.86 -17.6454013 168.2322803 355.9 4.86 Shefa 1719374617262.png 920m 1719374644807.png 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374662271.png Mixed 0 0 0 0 1 0 -17.6455099 168.232247 0.0 0.0;-17.646934603606937 168.23229007422924 0.0 0.0;-17.64686431383009 168.23399428278208 0.0 0.0;-17.64535691101341 168.23387190699577 0.0 0.0;-17.6455099 168.232247 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Fair 0 0 1 0 352820209 485bb7f5-3ad7-4d7e-a0ff-3bc811565265 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web ceceilialouis vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 5
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Glenda Pakoa 2024-06-26 Overcast Others 0 0 1 0 0 1 -17.645625 168.2321567 346.2 4.5 -17.645625 168.2321567 346.2 4.5 Klems Hill, Efate 1719373798019.jpg 144 x 66 1719374142649.jpg 1 Grid electricity Solar power 1 1 0 0 0 1719373919378.jpg Agricultural Residential 1 1 0 0 0 0 -17.645270965029685 168.23229677975178 0.0 0.0; -17.645261060471313 168.23206175118685 0.0 0.0; -17.64551506429636 168.23201213032007 0.0 0.0; -17.6456117 168.2322267 0.0 0.0; -17.645270965029685 168.23229677975178 0.0 0.0 No 0 1 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352820234 4f532b01-740c-4352-a744-80183559ffdd 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web gpakoa vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 6
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Vani 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy Windy 0 1 0 0 1 0 -17.6453675 168.2322764 366.57789967605544 3.9 -17.6453675 168.2322764 366.5778997 3.9 Shefa 1719374700374.jpg 3600m2 1719374770700.jpg 1000 Grid electricity Other 0 1 0 0 1 1719374821276.jpg Forest/Natural Other 0 0 0 1 0 1 -17.6455119 168.2318984 0.0 0.0;-17.64541442131419 168.23184918612242 0.0 0.0;-17.645340616424846 168.23192797601223 0.0 0.0;-17.645444134962393 168.23199033737183 0.0 0.0;-17.6455119 168.2318984 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352820630 559de282-bed2-4c7c-8645-a03017d7b044 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web vani vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 7
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Catherine 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy Rainy 0 1 0 1 0 0 -17.6452319 168.2312856 348.7 4.2 -17.6452319 168.2312856 348.7 4.2 Shefa 1719375482138.jpg 1 1719375502127.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719375533184.jpg Mixed 0 0 0 0 1 0 -17.6452304 168.2312949 0.0 0.0;-17.645171 168.2312331 0.0 0.0;-17.6451651 168.2312086 0.0 0.0;-17.6452014 168.2309758 0.0 0.0;-17.6451651 168.2312086 0.0 0.0;-17.6452014 168.2309758 0.0 0.0;-17.644625 168.2310733 0.0 0.0;-17.6452304 168.2312949 0.0 0.0;-17.644625 168.2310733 0.0 0.0;-17.6455453 168.2322202 0.0 0.0;-17.6452304 168.2312949 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Good 0 1 0 0 352824848 d646b12e-da52-41d8-a5f2-8651881c8470 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web lessa_catherine vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 8
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Tiro Leo 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy Rainy Windy 0 1 0 1 1 0 -17.6454758 168.2322201 365.0 4.78 -17.6454758 168.2322201 365 4.78 Shefa 1719373901377.jpg 920 1719374041309.jpg 1 Grid electricity Generator 0 1 0 1 0 1719374289975.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural Mixed 1 1 0 1 1 0 -17.6454688 168.2321861 346.0 6.707;-17.6454682 168.2321865 347.0 6.762;-17.6454095 168.2318345 346.0 3.597;-17.6451075 168.2309076 349.0 3.811;-17.644804 168.2309684 349.0 5.746;-17.6446248 168.2310209 353.0 3.417;-17.644643 168.2311232 351.0 3.209;-17.6445752 168.2312185 352.0 3.527;-17.6445206 168.2314444 355.0 3.561;-17.6445204 168.2316434 354.0 3.981;-17.6446022 168.2317728 351.0 3.923;-17.6446263 168.231793 351.0 3.641;-17.644618 168.2318231 351.0 3.408;-17.6447057 168.2319474 355.0 4.21;-17.6447142 168.2319577 352.0 3.654;-17.6447843 168.2321089 349.0 3.955;-17.6455089 168.2321862 357.0 3.61;-17.6454688 168.2321861 346.0 6.707 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352824858 7ab7a9a0-7097-440a-a032-292adbef704d 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web tiroleo vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 9
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Ellen Luke 2024-06-26 Overcast Windy 0 0 1 0 1 0 -17.6455186 168.2322091 349.0205078125 4.996 -17.6455186 168.2322091 349.0205078 4.996 shefa 1719375186168.jpg 9200 1719375228198.jpg 100 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719375263360.jpg Agricultural Forest/Natural 1 0 0 1 0 0 -17.645196 168.2313018 0.0 0.0;-17.6451698 168.2310445 0.0 0.0;-17.6451828 168.2309023 0.0 0.0;-17.6448199 168.2309623 0.0 0.0;-17.644794 168.2309539 0.0 0.0;-17.6448104 168.2311088 0.0 0.0;-17.6447006 168.2311917 0.0 0.0;-17.6446259 168.2312328 0.0 0.0;-17.6445747 168.2312369 0.0 0.0;-17.6444816 168.2315402 0.0 0.0;-17.6444997 168.2316894 0.0 0.0;-17.6445881 168.231781 0.0 0.0;-17.6447657 168.2320398 0.0 0.0;-17.6447406 168.2320929 0.0 0.0;-17.645121 168.2321366 0.0 0.0;-17.6451163 168.232176 0.0 0.0;-17.6454296 168.2322213 0.0 0.0;-17.645196 168.2313018 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352824951 d264aecc-5a1b-449b-9de1-e7869ac88799 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web eluke vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 10
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Lorinda Hosea 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6454567 168.2323067 280.3 4.0 -17.6454567 168.2323067 280.3 4 Shefa/Efate 1719373912548.jpg 2000m 1719373954611.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374052088.jpg Residential 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.64514316423457 168.23222000151873 0.0 0.0;-17.645140927719854 168.23237422853708 0.0 0.0;-17.645382790651027 168.23238026350737 0.0 0.0;-17.64539397320935 168.2322371006012 0.0 0.0;-17.64514316423457 168.23222000151873 0.0 0.0 No 0 1 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Good 0 1 0 0 352829285 405f3d0b-884e-4b04-bb6d-e7085189724d 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web lorindah vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 11
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Radar Site 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.645491 168.2322852 361.4 3.9 -17.645491 168.2322852 361.4 3.9 Shefa/Efate 1719374541783.jpg 9300 m� 1719374658750.jpg 1000 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374804292.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural 1 1 0 1 0 0 -17.6454922 168.2321997 0.0 0.0;-17.645505798754332 168.23226157575846 0.0 0.0;-17.645559474991256 168.2320734858513 0.0 0.0;-17.6455365 168.2319517 0.0 0.0;-17.6454751 168.2318804 0.0 0.0;-17.6452134 168.2315114 0.0 0.0;-17.645219525220565 168.23110822588205 0.0 0.0;-17.64522 168.2310333 0.0 0.0;-17.6452114 168.2309168 0.0 0.0;-17.6451695 168.2308479 0.0 0.0;-17.6450487 168.2309067 0.0 0.0;-17.6448075 168.2309698 0.0 0.0;-17.6446535 168.2310167 0.0 0.0;-17.6446697 168.2311215 0.0 0.0;-17.6446983 168.2311568 0.0 0.0;-17.6445751 168.231251 0.0 0.0;-17.6445294 168.2314484 0.0 0.0;-17.6444596 168.2315031 0.0 0.0;-17.6446372 168.2317647 0.0 0.0;-17.6447282 168.2319702 0.0 0.0;-17.6448964 168.2323602 0.0 0.0;-17.645121 168.2323737 0.0 0.0;-17.6451717 168.232225 0.0 0.0;-17.6454922 168.2321997 0.0 0.0;-17.645505798754332 168.23226157575846 0.0 0.0;-17.6454922 168.2321997 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352832182 7796ca11-050e-4580-9768-eb2e7dc1a681 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web bnano vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 12
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Radar area 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6455048 168.232193 348.0 4.762 -17.6455048 168.232193 348 4.762 Shefa 1719375249077.jpg 9050 1719375317982.jpg 500 Grid electricity Generator 0 1 0 1 0 1719375343660.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural 1 1 0 1 0 0 -17.6454845 168.2318415 0.0 0.0;-17.6451729 168.2313068 0.0 0.0;-17.6452089 168.2310433 0.0 0.0;-17.6452045 168.2309582 0.0 0.0;-17.6451454 168.2308676 0.0 0.0;-17.6450123 168.2309002 0.0 0.0;-17.6448305 168.230976 0.0 0.0;-17.644424922079274 168.23148105293512 0.0 0.0;-17.6446701 168.2311315 0.0 0.0;-17.644660076409863 168.2313097268343 0.0 0.0;-17.6444949 168.2315137 0.0 0.0;-17.6446634 168.2319142 0.0 0.0;-17.6448042 168.23212 0.0 0.0;-17.6455011 168.2321803 0.0 0.0;-17.6454429 168.2318091 0.0 0.0;-17.6454845 168.2318415 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352832208 797f537f-5a27-499c-9d39-3feb92653ab5 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web vrn_2021 vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 13
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Jeroline 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6454872 168.2322167 351.0358368402856 4.192 -17.6454872 168.2322167 351.0358368 4.192 Shefa 1719373823054.jpg 920m� 1719373965437.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374046149.jpg Mixed 0 0 0 0 1 0 -17.64320792961262 168.230714276433 0.0 0.0;-17.64303539654185 168.23423467576504 0.0 0.0;-17.64659050293775 168.23453776538372 0.0 0.0;-17.64713620731476 168.23075149208307 0.0 0.0;-17.64320792961262 168.230714276433 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Fair 0 0 1 0 352832539 eb8cd4f9-23d4-4c09-a927-f436b4229994 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web jerolinemawa vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 14
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Brian Winston 2024-06-26 Windy Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 1 0 -17.6455125 168.2322532 88.8 4.6 -17.6455125 168.2322532 88.8 4.6 Shefa/Efate 1719373996171.jpg 9504 1719374243927.jpg 500 Grid electricity Generator 0 1 0 1 0 1719374222879.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural 1 1 0 1 0 0 No 0 1 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352832547 f0eb1f76-c918-40a2-84fc-fae802cc8c23 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web lanjworwor vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 15
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Winstan Jack 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6455414 168.2322832 340.59999999999997 3.9 -17.6455414 168.2322832 340.6 3.9 Shefa Province, Efate Island 1719374020485.jpg 9504 1719374151783.jpg 400 Grid electricity Generator 0 1 0 1 0 1719374223950.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural 1 1 0 1 0 0 -17.6454417 168.232185 335.09999999999997 3.9;-17.645425 168.231825 348.09999999999997 20.141;-17.6452067 168.2313195 352.8 4.938;-17.6447817 168.2313917 353.8 137.865;-17.6450457 168.2320616 354.3 6.489;-17.6454417 168.232185 335.09999999999997 3.9 No 0 1 Yes 1 0 1,000 - 5,000 0 1 0 0 No 0 1 No 0 1 Good 0 1 0 0 352832876 cf2a0b2f-c08c-4bf4-80ad-d5f702d3c35e 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web wjack vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 16
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 Damien 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6454878 168.232312 342.4 4.2 -17.6454878 168.232312 342.4 4.2 Efate Island 1719374527900.jpg 144 x 66 1719374596400.jpg 800 Solar power 1 0 0 0 0 1719374714195.jpg Agricultural Residential Forest/Natural Mixed 1 1 0 1 1 0 -17.64404726869404 168.23422025889158 0.0 0.0;-17.648588322442013 168.23345582932234 0.0 0.0;-17.649239134596954 168.22957936674356 0.0 0.0;-17.64504635507191 168.22817791253328 0.0 0.0;-17.64404726869404 168.23422025889158 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352833152 e04ac810-cba0-43a0-9f34-512e12841555 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web hinge vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 17
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 William WORWORKON 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6454998 168.2321925 350.0043651281587 4.704 -17.6454998 168.2321925 350.0043651 4.704 SHEFA 1719374957125.jpg 9300 Sq m 1719374994618.jpg 1000 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719375024822.jpg Agricultural 1 0 0 0 0 0 -17.6455343 168.2322141 0.0 0.0;-17.6454659 168.2318275 0.0 0.0;-17.6455343 168.2322141 0.0 0.0;-17.6454659 168.2318275 0.0 0.0;-17.6455343 168.2322141 0.0 0.0;-17.6445721 168.2310331 0.0 0.0;-17.6446161 168.2313376 0.0 0.0;-17.6447928 168.232124 0.0 0.0;-17.6448548 168.2322978 0.0 0.0;-17.640697557144982 168.2336811348796 0.0 0.0;-17.6451752 168.2323397 0.0 0.0;-17.6455343 168.2322141 0.0 0.0;-17.6454841 168.2321843 0.0 0.0;-17.6455343 168.2322141 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352833571 f30d408d-d612-4e15-bed1-59f9baa35f8d 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web wbworwor vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 18
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 William WORWORKON 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.6455533 168.2321883 354.80460596227203 4.172 -17.6455533 168.2321883 354.804606 4.172 SHEFA 1719374128679.jpg 9636 Sq meter 1719374264713.jpg 1000 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374338702.jpg Agricultural 1 0 0 0 0 0 -17.641934695561925 168.2335953041911 0.0 0.0;-17.6454916 168.2320029 0.0 0.0;-17.6455026 168.2319896 0.0 0.0;-17.6454916 168.2320029 0.0 0.0;-17.6454596 168.2322579 0.0 0.0;-17.641934695561925 168.2335953041911 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Excellent 1 0 0 0 352839186 cf7c0536-3c18-493a-9dfe-723d9dc14412 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web wbworwor vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 19
2024-06-26 2024-06-26 BETGY BOEDOVO 2024-06-26 Partly Cloudy 0 1 0 0 0 0 -17.645497 168.2322803 351.0 4.44 -17.645497 168.2322803 351 4.44 Shefa 1719373853080.jpg 920m2 1719373978851.jpg 1 Grid electricity 0 1 0 0 0 1719374049563.jpg Forest/Natural Agricultural Residential Mixed 1 1 0 1 1 0 -17.645077985794153 168.23226191103458 0.0 0.0; -17.64508757086039 168.2323943451047 0.0 0.0; -17.64520323061956 168.2323832809925 0.0 0.0; -17.645199396595597 168.2322582229972 0.0 0.0; -17.645077985794153 168.23226191103458 0.0 0.0 Yes 1 0 Yes 1 0 Less than 1000 1 0 0 0 Yes 1 0 No 0 1 Fair 0 0 1 0 352839352 bb9ce5ab-457c-4108-a048-10130d065537 2024-06-26 submitted_via_web betgyboedovo vL8aEwjeXL9hooz2STGSHU 20

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timestamp Thu, 06/27/2024 - 00:49