903 results

Vanuatu’s National Energy Road Map (NERM) was considered and endorsed by the Council of Ministers in 2013. The NERM is the policy framework for developing the energy sector in Vanuatu. The NERM identified five priorities for the energy sector: access, petroleum supply, affordability, energy security, and climate change. It set out objectives, targets and actions to achieve these priorities and contribute to the NERM’s overall vision.


The full global assessment can be downloaded from the GCRMN website.

The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.

direct link to Vanuatu's data on the GBIF website

direct link to all species occurrences in Vanuatu on the GBIF records

Dataset that provides a direct internet link to Vanuatu's climate change data portal.

An internet direct link to an article relating to the celebration of the International Ozone Day in Port Vila

Important information on Vanuatu's land tenure and conservation.

The Marine Atlas for the Vanuatu compiles over a hundred datasets from countless data providers and for the first time makes marine and coastal information accessible and usable as data layers and as raw data.

This atlas is part of MACBIO’s support to its partner countries’ marine spatial planning processes. These processes aim to balance uses with the need to effectively manage and protect the rich natural capital upon which those uses rely.

The MACBIO project provides technical support in identifying and highlighting the values of marine and coastal resources and their ecosystem services. Once values are more visible, governments and stakeholders can plan and manage resources more sustainably, and maintain economic and social benefits of marine and coastal biodiversity in the medium and long term.

An identification of Vanuatu’s special and/or unique marine areas (SUMAs). This report brings together data, literature and the outputs of a dedicated workshop synthesising information about the areas identified. The areas were described, justified and scored according to four criteria: geographic explicitness, justification, information sources and legal obligations associated with each site.