1525 results

Dahl (1980 & 1986) lists the following wetland habitats as occurring in Vanuatu:

• permanent lake (Ambae, Ambrym, Efate, Epi, Espiritu Santo, Gaua, Maewo, Malekula, Tanna and


• hot springs with algae (Efate);

• freshwater swamp and marsh (Anatom, Efate, Epi, Erromango, Espiritu Santo, Gaua, Maewo, Tanna

and Thion);

• mountain streams (common);

• lowland rivers (common);

• riverine forest on alluvial soils;

• swamp forest (Efate, Malekula and Espiritu Santo);

• non-tidal salt marsh (Loh);

Wetlands are among the world’s most productive (and threatened) ecosystems and the

services that they provide to humanity are significant. In order to effectively conserve and

manage wetlands, a first step is to document and understand their distribution and status

through conducting detailed baseline wetland inventories. Across the Pacific region, The

Directory of Wetlands in Oceania 1993 documented available information on the distribution,

status and values of wetlands in Pacific Island Countries and Territories, however, much of

We found the following total economic values for the nine ecosystem services (ES1–ES9, figure A) in the two mangrove


• In Crab Bay in 2012, mangroves (136.5 hectares) produced ES worth an estimated Vt53 million (equivalent to US$586

000). This total comprised ES values ranging from Vt36 million to Vt70 million.

• In Eratap in 2012, the mangroves (31.2 hectares) produced ES worth an estimated Vt24 million (equivalent to US$266

000). This total comprised ES values ranging from Vt17 million to Vt31 million.

Mangrove ecosystems play an extremely important role in our communities because of the goods that they provide in the production of wood for fuel and construction, the invertebrates and finfish for subsistence and commercial fisheries but also the services provided in coastal protection from storm surges, bioremediation, sediment trapping and carbon sequestration in mangrove soils mitigating climate change.

In conclusion, major mangrove vegetation boundaries which are, back boundary species, normal high water mark and off-shore mangrove boundary, Amal Area and Crab bay on Malekula and Eratap on Efate have been positioned and established for future monitoring purposes. Future monitoring objectives would be to determine if sea level is rising within the mangrove pilot sites and also change detection of mangrove vegetation within the three pilot sites.

This report documents findings from the program of works for 2012-2013 directed by Dr Norm Duke with the MESCAL Vanuatu Technical Working Group involving their training, support and consultation, prescription of methodology and approach, as well as the compilation and assessment of data received.

The Tagabe Catchment is of high conservation value due to the high endemism. Vanuatu has six plant

species on the IUCN Red List, three of which are in Tagabe Catchment, which makes its protection

even more critical. The taboo has allowed for the replenishment of commercially important finfish

and invertebrate species. The Blacksands community has adapted to the taboo by changing their

fishing grounds and methods so that they are fishing further offshore. The findings are important to

L’inventaire est donné à l’Annexe I, et la totalité des échantillons a été étudiée. 90 % des

taxons ont pu être identifiés au niveau de l’espèce. Parmi les 10 % restant, au moins 7 espèces

sont encore inédites.

On compte 284 espèces dont 8 phanérogames marines, et 4 cyanobactéries. Les 272 espèces

d’algues se répartissent en 164 Rhodophyta, 82 Chlorophyta et 26 Ochrophyta.

The coral reef communities of Vanuatu have been little studied and nothing has been previously published on

The herpetofauna of Vanuatu is unique for its lack or scarcity of several widespread Pacific island gecko species (Gehyra mutilata, Hemidactylus garnotii and Hemiphyllodactylus typus). Other Vanuatu species include  widespread Pacific species (Gehyra oceanica, Emoia caeruleocauda, E. cyanura, E. impar, Lipinia noctua, Laticauda colubrina, L. laticaudata, and Pelamis platura), southern species which are absent north of the archipelago (L.

Vanuatan ground beetle tribe Platynini has been revised recently by Liebherr as represented by 11 species, five of them recorded on Santo. We identified so far six species, three of which are new island records of described species and one — of apparently undescribed one. Twenty one species of anthribids from Saratsi Range and camp site have been sorted so far. The entire Vanuatu fauna is represented by nine species, and only five of them are known from


The exploration of Santo surface freshwater habitats undertaken in 2006 revealed a second example of the  colonisation of island freshwater habitats by a predominantly marine group: this time an isopod belonging to the  basically marine family Sphaeromatidae. Isopods are a diverse group of  crustaceans containing terrestrial forms, such as woodlice, as well as freshwater and marine forms.  Some species are even parasitic on shrimp hosts and

exhibit highly modified body shapes.

Orthoptera are world-wide distributed insects easily recognized by their enlarged hindlegs, adapted to jump, and by  their forewings, which cover the dorsal and the lateral sides of the body. They include two infraorders, Caelifera (short- horned Orthoptera) and Ensifera (long-horned Orthoptera), subdivided into several major taxonomic groups.

Dilapidated transport routes, unsafe power grids, buildings in a state of disrepair: During extreme natural events, a  fragile infrastructure can have grave consequences for the local population, for whom it represents a direct threat. In addition, it delays the effective potential for those affected to help themselves and impedes humanitarian relief  provided by the local authorities or from abroad. Usually, the challenges that relief agencies face are on the “last mile” 

Resilient community water supply (i.e. a continuously safe and secure supply) is constantly being challenged by limited and fragile water resources at the mercy of natural hazards such as cyclones, droughts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the impacts of climate variability and change. Small communities spread over vast distances, and limited human and financial resources to reach out to these communities add to their vulnerability.

Climate change is the most critical existential threat of our time, and its adverse impacts

pose significant threats to the sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing of Vanuatu’s people.

It is against this critical conditions that Vanuatu urges committed global action against climate

change. Most importantly this will also entail strengthening the implementation of the

Paris Agreement and limiting global temperature rise to 1.5⁰C above the pre-industrial level.

Vanuatu’s Third National Communication is an essential document for Vanuatu to fulfill its

The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation located in the Western Pacific Ocean. The country is an

archipelago of over 80 islands stretching 1,300 kilometres from North to South. Vanuatu’s terrain is

mostly mountainous, with narrow coastal plains larger islands are characterised by rugged volcanic

peaks and tropical rainforests. Vanuatu is located in a seismically and volcanically active region and

has high exposure to geologic hazards, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and


A SEAFRAME gauge was installed in Port Vila, Vanuatu, in January 1993. It records sea level, air and water temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. It is one of an array designed to monitor changes in sea level and climate in the Pacific.

● This report summarises the findings to date, and places them in a regional and historical context.

 Maximum and minimum air temperatures increased at Bauerfield Airport (Port Vila) from 1948–2011 as did  November– April and May–October maximum temperatures at Aneityum. This is consistent with global warming.

• Annual and half-year rainfall trends show little change at Bauerfield Airport since 1907 and Aneityum since 1949. Extreme daily rainfall trends also show little change at Aneityum and Bauerfield Airport since 1945. 

The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the oceans. It is divided by an interoceanic ridge system close to its eastern boundary, producing sub-basins in the central and western Pacific Ocean similar in size to the Atlantic and Indian  Oceans. In the southwest Pacific, New Zealand and the various Melanesian Islands and Archipelagos provide  natural boundaries for the adjacent Tasman and Coral Seas.