1525 results
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

List of international environmental related agreements and conventions to which Vanuatu is obligated to.

*adopted from the Vanuatu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018 - 2030, pg 24*

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

There are not perfect data which describe the distribution and abundance of every marine habitat and species in the Pacific. And certainly not at a scale that is useful for national planning in the ocean. Bioregionalisation, or the classification of the marine environment into spatial units that host similar biota, can serve to provide spatially explicit surrogates of biodiversity for marine conservation and management. Existing marine bioregionalisations however, are at a scale that is too broad for national governments in the Pacific to use.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This dataset includes a pdf format and a Word document format of the Memorandum of Understanding for use and adaptation by Vanuatu Government for inter-agency data sharing.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Distribution of Invasive Species @ Tagabe River , from a current project under the Biodiversity and Conservation

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This dataset includes a pdf format and a word document format of the Memorandum of Understanding for use and adaptation by Vanuatu Government for inter-agency data sharing

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This presentation has been edited to suit Senior Secondary students to help them know what the National Ozone Unit is doing under the Department of Environment in regards to carrier path ways.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This is a diagram of a ideal workflow for field data to data portal to use in reporting

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

this is a post disaster assessment report - cyclone Pam 2015

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Vanuatu Protected Areas (PA) data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), downloaded August 2019. This dataset includes both tables and spatial data.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

This dataset reports solid waste abundance and composition data from households and commercial activities expressed in number of items, weight or volume for Vanuatu. It reports the results of interviews done when solid waste samples were collected to gather metadata about household occupants social and behavioural metadata, including the fate of solid waste not collected through the official waste management service.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Post Disaster Needs Assessment, Environment & Economic Analysis of Loss and Damage to Environmental Goods and Services in Vanuatu, related to Severe Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Harold (April 2020).

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for Vanuatu in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator).

The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

SENTINEL-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission, supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas.

The SENTINEL-2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) samples 13 spectral bands: four bands at 10 metres, six bands at 20 metres and three bands at 60 metres spatial resolution.

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Observations of rubbish dumped overboard on fishing vessels.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Dataset contains training material on using open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to improve protected area planning and management from a workshop that was conducted on February 26-28, 2020. Specifically, the dataset contains lectures on GIS fundamentals, QGIS 3.x, and global positioning system (GPS), as well as country-specific datasets and a workbook containing exercises for viewing data, editing/creating datasets, and creating map products in QGIS.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The PacWaste Plus Programme has a specific Key Result Area (KRA) which requires specific action on the collation and review of existing data on waste and pollution at the regional and national level and identify key areas where further data needs to be collected including gender sensitive and rights-based information. Specifically, the project seeks to, i) Undertake waste audits in Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru and Vanuatu. This dataset holds waste audit data for Vanuatu, put together by Tonkin &Taylor on behalf of the Secretariat.